Twin Towns NSW
photo courtesy Debra Mayes
Donna Lee sings Petula Clark
DONNA LEE sings Broadway Baby on Bert Newton's GMA Sydney Australia
Donna Lee and Tony Sheldon sing "It's You" in DAMES AT SEA. Directed by Nancye Hayes this is the 1988 Marian Street Theatre production in Australia.
Donna Lee appearing on her Mother's (GLORIA DAWN) TV Special "GLORIA" in Sydney Australia
Australian Actress Donna Lee as Madame Thenardier in Les Miserables in Capetown 1996 Andrew Pole as Mr Thenardier
DONNA LEE sings Name in Lights on John Mangos Show Sydney Australia
Donna Lee guest appearance in Australian TV series "A Country Practice"
DONNA LEE performing at the Entertainment Centre Sydney with Maestro Tommy Tycho and his Orchestra